Have you ever noticed that our lives are just one long routine?  Wake up, bathroom, brush teeth, coffee, etc. etc.  While most of us find routines boring, there is one great thing about them, we tend to do them without even thinking.  It can take weeks for something to become a habit or routine, but consciously adding a couple of new ones at a time will make it more likely that they will become something we just do without thinking.

So, what type of things should you add to make your life healthier?  That depends on our personal goals and current routines of course, but here are some great ideas to incorporate to make healthy changes to your daily life:

  • Drink more water.
  • Go outside each day for 30 minutes.
  • Open your windows and blinds to let the sunshine and fresh air in
  • Increase your physical activity, even if it is ‘just’ a couple of minutes of stretching, it can have a great impact on your body and mind.
  • Make sure to eat three well rounded meals a day.
  • Strive for 7 – 9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Get dressed every single day.
  • Each day, partake in a favorite hobby.
  • Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things that made you feel good and try to do those things daily.

There are so many ways to inject some healthy actions to your day, start small and add things that make you feel healthier, stronger and enhance your life.  The healthier you is a happier you!

CBHomeCare and our Family of Providers are happy to assist you with assessing your family’s needs and helping to provide the care necessary to help keep your loved one at home where they want to be. Please feel free to call us at 800-700-0008, and we will be happy to answer all of your questions. You can also click here to read about our services.